When vying for a government contract, vendors hope to avoid the need for protest and litigation. But solicitation documents aren’t perfect. Often, the evaluation process isn’t either. When issues arise, vendors are left in a tricky position: Do you dispute the issue during the procurement process, possibly angering the people tasked with evaluating your bid?
Helping individuals, companies, and organizations understand key legal and practical considerations for promoting compliance and making better business decisions in these types of federal, state, and local government contracting matters MORE
State and Local Procurement
Wyoming Supreme Court Rules that Airport Operator Is Subject to Open Records Law
By Roy Goldberg on
Seeking to avoid an “absurd result,” the highest state court in Wyoming has ruled that the Jackson Hole Airport cannot refuse to produce airport-related documents by claiming that the airport is not subject to the state’s open records law: the Wyoming Public Records Act (WPRA). This decision is important for airports, governments that own airports,…