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Published on June 9, 2021, President Biden’s Executive Order on Protecting America’s Sensitive Data from Foreign Adversaries is the latest Executive Order seeking to strengthen national security by improving public and private sector capabilities and practices relating to cybersecurity and supply chain risks. As explained in a previous article, the first such Executive Order addressed five main areas. The latest Executive Order focuses primarily on protecting against risks “associated with connected software applications that are designed, developed, manufactured, or supplied by persons owned or controlled by, or subject to the jurisdiction or direction of, a foreign adversary.” However, unlike prior Executive Orders on the topic, it expands the scope of threat actors to be addressed in future to include those “persons who engage in serious human rights abuse,” noting, “If persons who own, control, or manage connected software applications engage in serious human rights abuse or otherwise facilitate such abuse, the United States may impose consequences on those persons in action separate from this order.”
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If you live on the East Coast and tried to get gasoline last week, you already know firsthand of the impacts that a cyber incident can wreck on the supply chain.  As a result of the Colonial Pipeline cyber incident, a ransomware attack that led to the six-day shutdown of a key pipeline for gasoline,