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More Time to Claim Tax Credits

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is one of the most ambitious pieces of legislation yet aimed at combating climate change and promoting energy independence. Its proponents claim that it will reduce carbon emissions by 40%, relative to 2005 levels, over the next decade by incentivizing new infrastructure developments such

Last year at this time, we reported on the prospect of a partial government shutdown due to Congress’s failure to enact appropriations legislation to fund all aspects of the government for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021. In that case, the bill was passed and life continued. This year the stakes are higher. Though Congress started early, preparing separate appropriations bills for FY 2022 this summer, they still have not been passed. In addition, we are seeing bills for higher levels of spending than in the previous years, since the spending limits set in the Obama-era Budget Control Act of FY 2011 have now ended.
Continue Reading So … Where Is The Money – We’ve Seen This Movie Before But The Stakes Are High